This YF-S201 water flow sensor sits in line with the waterline. This meter contains a pinwheel sensor and this pinwheel sensor used to measure how much liquid has moved through it. This YF S201 Arduino Water Flow Sensor contains a magnetic hall effect sensor and this magnetic sensor outputs an electrical pulse with every revolution. We will seal the hall effect sensor from the water pipe. This magnetic sensor allows the sensor to stay safe and dry. Get all types of meters, sensors, and modules at
This YF S201 Water Flow Sensor Water Measurement Sensor comes with three wires.
Red wire, Black wire, Yellow wire.
- The red wire is used for 5 to 24V DC.
- The black wire is used for Ground.
- The yellow wire is used for Hall effect pulse output.
If we count the pulses from the output then we can easily calculate water flow. Approximately 2.25 milliliters contain each pulse. This magnetic hall sensor is not a precision sensor. And the pulse rate does not change. And YF S201 Arduino Water Flow Sensor depends on pulse rate depending on the flow rate, fluid pressure, and sensor orientation. For precision results, we need to calibrate it carefully. But this YF-S201 Flow Sensor Hall Effect Flow Sensor is good for basic measurement tasks.
We mention an example that can be used o quickly test the sensor. This sensor calculates the approximate flow of the water in liters or hours. This pulse will be a simple square wave so it is easy to log and convert into liters per minute using the specific formula. Pulse frequency (Hz) / 7.5 = flow rate in L/min.
- Its model number is YF-S201.
- This sensor is a Hall Effect sensor.
- Its working voltages are 5 to 18V DC.
- Its minimum working voltage is 4.5V DC.
- Its maximum current draw is 15mA @5V.
- Its output type is TTL of 5V.
- Its working flow rate is 1 to 30 liters per minute.
- Its working temperature range is -25 to 80 degrees centigrade.
- The humidity range of the sensor is 35% to 80% degree centigrade.
- Its accuracy percentage is +- 10%.
- 2.0 MPa is its maximum water pressure.
- Its output duty cycle is 50% +- 10%.
- 0.04 us is its output rise time.
- 0.18us is its output fall time.
- We can find flow rate pulse characteristics by this formula: frequency (Hz) = 7.5 * flow rate (L/min)
- 450 is approximately pulses per liter.
- Hall Effect Water Flow Sensor YF-S201 minimum cycles are 300,000.
- Its size is approximately is 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.4”.
Related Links:
Water Flow Rate & Volume Measurement using Water Flow Sensor & Arduino
Other Types of Water Pumps and Water Flow Meter
Package Included:
One Piece of YF-S201 Water Flow Sensor Water Measurement Sensor
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