Arduino Mega Proto Shield in Pakistan
The Prototyping Shield makes it easy for you to design custom circuits. You can solder components to create the prototyping area your project, or use it with a small breadboard (not included) to quickly test circuit ideas without solder. got extra connections for all I / O pins, and it has space to mount through-hole and surface mount integrated circuits. a convenient way to make your custom circuit and a module.
The maximum length and width of the Proto Shield PCB are 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively. three screw holes allow the shield to be attached to a surface or case. note that the distance between digital pins 7 and 8 is 160 mil (12:16 “), not an even multiple of the 100 mil distance from the other pins.
1.0 pinout
1 Reset button
1 ICSP connector
14 pin SMD footprint (50 mil pitch)
Through 20 pin footprint (100 mil pitch)
1 (the one with the narrow pointer sign) MISO connected D12
2: + 5V
3: SCK connected D13
4: MOSI connected D11
5: SS connected D10
6: GND
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