STM8S core board of the main features:
- Use STM8S103F3P6 as the master IC
- You can use 2.54 pin on the board or power supply pad, the pad when using power supply, input voltage range 4.5V-15V, can output to the outside through pin 3.3V
- Note: 5V pin’s voltage is the input voltage of the module
- Leads to all pins, the pins next to the pin marked the label, with a reset button, power LED, and the program demonstrates LED, small but perfectly formed
- Support SWIM debug mode
Technical Information:
- The core board schematics (PDF format) and tested source. Burned into the test program, LED flashes, allowing you to detect the core board is working properly
- Provide at IAR and STVD two development environments register operation and routine operation of the library functions. Timer routine, UART transmit routine, UART receive routines, clock switching routines, AD routines and so on
- STM8 Applications
- STM8 package library
- IAR development environment, STVP programming software
STM8S103F3P6 performance comparison:
- STM8S003F3 chips only 128 bytes of EEPROM, STM8S103F3 640 bytes
- STM8S003F3 chip FLASH erase only 100 times, STM8S103F3 can erase ten thousand times
- STM8S103F2 chip FLASH only 4K bytes, STM8S103F3 have 8K bytes
- Conclusion: STM8S003F3 only suitable for mature products, STM8S003F3 core board is not suitable for development. However STM8S103F3 suitable for the development of the use of, our board of this development is the use of this chip
- Size:28mm*17mm*5mm
16 MHz , 8 Kbyte Flash; data retention 20 years at 55 °C after 10 kcycleData memory: 640 byte true data EEPROM; endurance 300 kcycleRAM: 1 KbyteClock, , user-trimmable 16 MHz RCInternal low-power 128 kHz RCClock security system with clock monitorPower management… Switch-off peripheral clocks individuallyPermanently active, low-consumption power-on and power-down resetInterrupt managementNested interrupt controller with 32 interruptsUp to 27 external interrupts on 6 vectorsTimersAdvanced control timer: 16-bit, 4 CAPCOM channels, 3 complementary outputs, dead-time insertion and flexible synchronization16-bit general purpose timer, with 3 CAPCOM channels (IC, OC or PWM)8-bit basic timer with 8-bit prescalerAuto wake-up timerWindow watchdog and independent watchdog timersCommunication interfacesUART with clock output for synchronous operation, SmartCard, IrDA, LIN master modeSPI interface up to 8 Mbit/sI2C interface up to 400 kbit/sAnalog to digital converter (ADC)10-bit, ±1 LSB ADC with up to 5 multiplexed channels, scan mode and analog watchdogI/OsUp to 28 I/Os on a 32-pin package including 21 high sink outputsHighly robust I/O design
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