What is APM 2.8 Multicopter Flight Controller Built-in Compass?
APM 2.8 Multicopter Flight Controller is the new version of 2.5 and 2.6. it has built-in Compass for FPV RC Drone Aircraft flight controller. Here is the new option of Built-in Compas or external compass through a jumper. 2.8 Multicoper flight Controller is an open-source autopilot system. it is also the best selling product and it also won the Challenge UAV competition.
Working: It is used when we need to turn any fixed, rotary wing or multirotor vehicle e.g car or boats. it makes the vehicle autonomous. and it is capable to perform Programmed GPS.
2.8 Flight Controller has an optional onboard compass and is designed for vehicles. this flight controller is used with 3DR uBlue GPS with Compass. So the Compass unit can be mounted further from noise sources than APM itself.
more convenient to connections GPS with external compass. Replaced the V2.52 I2C interface to multi-purpose MUX interfaces, which can be used by the users themselves through the Pad of Back Board freely configurable function output, UART0, UART2, I2C. Improved OSD interface when used in conjunction with Data Transmission, because of the isolation resistance, more effective to avoid the interference of Data Transmission.

what is ardupilot firmware
Arduino Pilot Mega 2.8 Flight Controller

Arduino Pilot Mega 2.8 Flight Controller

apm flight controller setup
APM Flight Controller Setup

Ardupilot Mega Flight Controller Features:
It has an Arduino compatibility.
It can be ordered with top entry pins for attaching connectors vertically, or as side entry, pins to slide your connectors in to either end horizontally.
It also has a 3-axis gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer, along with a high-performance barometer.
It also has an Onboard 4 MegaByte Dataflash chip for automatic data logging.
Optional off-board GPS is also included with the uBlox LEA-6H module with Compass.
APM 2.8 is the first open-source autopilot system to use Invensense\’s 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
Measurement Specialties upgraded Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03.
Here Atmel\’s ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2 chips installed for processing and USB functions respectively.

1 It has data transmission port
2 secondly analog sensor port
3 gimbal output has Autostability
4. online programming port (be useful for optical flow sensor) which is ATMEGA2560 SPI
5. The USB port also exist
6. input is control
7. Selection jumper function
8. Also, have a GPS port
9. Here is, 12C external compass port
10. online programming port which is ATMEGA32U2 SPI
11. multifunction configurable MUX port (Defaulted output is OSD )
12. Port: current, voltage
13. power supply selection jumper is ESC
14. output port is (ESC)

APM 2.8 Flight Controller with Built-in Compass in Pakistan
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